A small group of interested people got together to discuss reigniting the currently on hiatus Transition Walthamstow. Here’s what happened.

If there’s one thing that the Covid-19 pandemic and resulting lockdowns taught us it’s the importance of community. And that’s what the Transition Network is all about: building resilient local communities to combat the climate, biodiversity and other crises facing humanity and our shared planet.
Transition Walthamstow has been in hiatus for a while now, but there’s a resurgent wish to bring it back. Following a well-attended reignition meeting on 28 March, at which ideas abounded and the enthusiasm was high, a core group of people met again on 16 May to further discuss the reinitiation of the Walthamstow chapter.
Six of us were in attendance, and the meeting took the form of a general conversation rather than following a set agenda. There was a lot of positivity in the room as we discussed our shared aim of coming up with some concrete next steps to increase local awareness of Transition Walthamstow and what the group stands for, build membership and increase the number of active participants in the Initiation Group (IG).
Many ideas were bounced around, but two really stood out as a good way to start achieving our goals. The first being a film screening, and the second a litter pick followed by a picnic – a litter pick-nic, if you will.
The screening, we decided, would be the best way of introducing Transition Walthamstow, and the Transition Network more generally, to an audience that might not be aware of the organisation. It will consist of a showing of Once You Know, a documentary by French director
Emmanuel Cappellin about energy depletion, runaway climate breakdown, and our capacity for personal and shared resilience in the face of the collapse.
The film would be followed by a guided conversation, with the audience broken down into small groups in order to discuss the documentary, what it meant to them and what we can do as a collective to create resilient communities in the face of a changing climate.
The IG is now working to find a suitable venue and date for the screening. Keep an eye on this website, as well as our social media, as further details are revealed.
The litter pick-nic will follow. It will take place over the summer in Walthamstow. The idea is to provide an opportunity for residents to show their local area some TLC, before coming together to share food, ideas, conversation and hopefully some laughs. Again, more information will be shared as we finalise our plans.
If you want to learn more about Transition Walthamstow, then do come along to the screening when we have more details. In the meantime, we want to connect and work with local people and organisations; please do get in touch if you’re interested.
You can leave a comment below, contact us on our Facebook page or email us on transitionwalthamstow@gmail.com.