The last Transition Walthamstow meeting took place on 10 October at Le Delice. Read on to find out what we discussed.
The main aim of the most recent meeting of the Transition Walthamstow Reignition Group was to discuss ideas for how to grow the group.
The meeting took place at Le Delice in Hoe Street, a new venue for us. There were six of us in attendance and the informal atmosphere of the café worked well. It was also nice to indulge in coffees and something to eat!
It was a nicely structured meeting which started with each of us having one minute to share one thing that had given us joy. There was a great mix of joyful things, from frolicking foxes and films to fun with families and walks (We ran out of words that begin with ‘f’!).
Then we got down to the serious business of how we can get more people involved with Transition Walthamstow – while I tucked into a very tasty halloumi wrap. After breaking into two groups of three, we came back together to share our ideas.
We decided that it would be useful to have a concrete goal in mind: to double our numbers from six to 12. But how are we to achieve this?
We came up with three broad strands: more events; better communications; and connection with local groups.
Events are a good way to get people involved. But it has to be the right event: something fun, educational and inspirational. One idea mooted was a visit to an existing project or organisation already working on the principles of transition and sustainability to find out how they’re doing it. Ideas are welcome!
Even the best event will fail if you haven’t got the communication right. And this is something we agreed we will work on. One of the main tasks is to improve this website. So in the coming weeks you’ll be seeing some improvements here. You’ll also see more of us on social media and email updates.
We’ll also be reaching out to local faith groups and other organisations. We want to build bridges within our community. If you want to work with us or get involved with Transition Walthamstow in any way, just get in touch or come along to our next meeting.
Next meeting Monday 14 November, at Le Delice, 114 Hoe Street